Dia de Los Muertos Postcard set
From 2003-2009 I created and sold Dia de Los Muertos linocuts on eBay, galleries, and art fairs. To keep up with the interests, I dove into making postcards of selected designs from the series. What is being offered here is a set of 13 (4" x 6") postcards in a screen printed paper bag. If you are a shop owner interested in carrying my postcards, please contact me for wholesale prices. Thanks for looking.

Donut Crew Records Shirt
Colorado Crew : Denvoid P...
Punk Rock Bedroom
Dead Kennedys print
The Ramones print
Motorhead Print
The Minutemen print
Darby Crash print
Boom Box
Combat Boots
Painted Leather Jacket pr...
Calaca Tarot Card Deck
Day of the Dead La Chica ...
Calaca Neck Gaiter
El Diablo/The Devil (Lino...
Del Santo/Of The Saint (L...
La Resurrecion/The Resurr...
Bici/Bike (Linocut)
Tube (Linocut)
Sponger (Linocut)
Te Amo/I Love You (Linocut)
La Seranata/The Serenade ...
El Baile/The Dance (Linocut)
La La La (Linocut)
No sé/I don't know (linocut)
Vacaciones en familia/Fam...
Egyptian Traditionalistas...
Egyptian Fashionistas (Li...
Egyptian Mujeres/Egyptian...
SK8 Chica (Linocut)
Snowboarder (Linocut)
Y Con Tu Espíritu : Palab...